Saturday, March 20, 2010

State of the Kitten Address

Well kittens, as you may have noticed, I haven't been as prolific a poster as I once was. There are several reasons for this. One, I have been really busy with work. Really busy. Secondly, I'm one of the lay leaders at my church, and we're currently undergoing the process to find an interim minister. That has taken up a lot of my time as well. Then there are the regular stops on the weekends to see family and friends, in order to maintain those relationships.

And sadly, my bloggy relationships have fallen by the wayside.

I just haven't had the time to post. After posting so much, and so intensely, over a period of time (sometimes 4-5 posts in a day, at my peak), blogging was becoming a job for me. It was becoming too much. So I have given myself a break: I only post when the spirit moves me. Sometimes it moves me to post quite often. Other times I don't post for days, even weeks.

I've been going to bed lately between 8-9 PM. I try to get my eight hours, but have only been able to squeeze out a solid 6.5 or 7.

I haven't slept in for...well, I can't remember the last time I slept in!

But I intend to tomorrow. I can't frakkin' wait.

And one more thing before I go for now: A lot of you have asked for reports on my Carol and Conan adventures. Trust me, you WILL receive full accounts--and hopefully, fuzzy photos--of the events. I will NOT let you down, kittens.

But now, it's time for bed. Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeppppppppp....


Grand Pooba said...

Now I want to go to sleep too and sleep in!!

Teddy Rose said...

Have a really good sleep in! We'll be here when you post.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Don't give up on us, Kitten! We'll still be here when you do feel moved to post.

septembermom said...

I hope you're snoozing away right now. Get that much needed rest! I think your posting plan makes a lot of sense. Blogging can feel like a job some days. Looking forward to those Conan and Carol reports!

Shelley said...

I can't wait to hear about Carol Burnett! I love her!