Sunday, May 11, 2008

Return from Mother's Day

I have returned from a very mellow, relaxing Mother's Day chez mes parents. My parents returned from Italy last week, and they both looked relaxed and content--and were full of stories. Dad particularly enjoyed entertaining us with impressions of one of their tour guides, Claudio, who spoke in broken English with many big words. And their stories of Italian food were not to be missed, from driving through the lemon and olive groves to having freshly bottled wine for dinner every night. FRESHLY BOTTLED WINE FOR DINNER EVERY NIGHT!!! Jealous!

Anyhoo, I'm not talking about books right now, as you can see. Hey, it's my blog, and I reserve the right to blog about anything I please. Besides, if I keep blogging about books, it'll get boring. You, my fellow readers, all deserve a little more entertainment variety.

I'm feeling much better now. The first half of the day dragged. I was supposed to have a solo at church today, but called my choir director last night after my four-hour nap. Good thing too--I've been raspy all day. I don't think I could have made it through a solo without coughing.

I drove home tonight thinking about this blog--I must be really into this whole blogging thing if I'm thinking about it in the car. Anyhoo, if I have time to post this week, I think I'll post some more personal stuff. I think "Bookkitten Confessions" makes a great title for a post, eh?

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