Monday, January 19, 2009

Brought to you by the letter J!!

Coffee Slut tagged me for this meme, the "brought to you by the letter..." game.

Here’s how it works…You leave a comment on this post, and I’ll assign you a letter. You write about ten things you love that begin with your assigned letter, and post it at your place. When people comment on your list, you give them a letter, and the chain continues on and on.

I've been assigned the letter goes...

1. JOY: Whatever is going on in my life, no matter how stressful a day can be, I always try to search for a joyful moment in the day. It keeps me grounded. Joyful moments can be as simple as watching the sun rise on the way to work, or watching my cats nap. This is something I'm still learning how to do, since I'm an inherently cynical person.

2. JOURNEYS: I've had the travel bug since I was a kid. I love to go to different places and take photos of my trips. I love learning about new cultures, new languages, and having new experiences.

3. JAVA: I've learned over the past two years to love coffee. I really do love it, especially since I have some friends at work who love the Starbucks. Some Fridays we'll go to Starbucks after work and just dish. I personally prefer Dunkin' Donuts. Of course, I don't think I loves me the coffee as much as Coffee Slut and Jodi do.

4. JOURNALING: I love to write. Always have. I've kept a journal of one form or the other since I was eight years old. Writing helps keep me focused and sane; it's a great form of therapy. Of course, now I journal here on the blog, and everyone knows my business! (Well, most of it, anyway).

5. JERSEY SHORE: This was where we spent our summer vacations when I was a kid. My family went to Long Beach Island every summer from the time I was seven till I was sixteen. Sadly, I haven't been back since then. Still, the memories of it always make me smile. I miss it terribly; the beaches were absolutely beautiful.

6. JOKING AROUND: Humor is one of the most important things in life. I don't know how I'd be able to survive without a sense of humor! I love to laugh!

7. JENNIFER CRUSIE, JOANNE HARRIS, AND THEIR COHORTS: I had to find a creative way to include my love of reading in here! Hell, I just signed up for four reading challenges! I still have to post my review on the first book I read!

8. JAZZ, ROCK N' ROLL, AND OTHER FORMS OF MUSIC: I don't know how I could live without music! My iPod comes with me everywhere. Music enlightens my spirit, enriches my soul, and brings back some very deep memories that a photograph can't always do. I hear a tune, and I'm transported back in time to a place I thought I'd never be again (like middle school).

9. JAZZERCISE: I love working out. I love the feeling that finishing a workout gives me, a sense of accomplishment, a sense that I did something really, really good for myself.

10. JON STEWART AND STEPHEN COLBERT: I love political humor, and these two men really were the ones who brought it to the American mainstream. They often point out things that the pundits miss.

Well, thanks for the tag, Coffee Slut! If you want to play along with us, leave a comment and I'll assign you a letter!


Coffee Slut said...

Awesome your list!
Yay for Dunkin Donuts!
Happy Monday!

Jodi said...

You did a great job! Yes, Sue and I really do love coffee. Hehehe that is for sure.

I had the letter H from her.

I love to joke around too. I love the Jersey shore. Even though I live in Jersey, I've only been to LBI once. We normally go to Point Pleasant for the day.

Journaling is awesome!

Your #1 is awesome! What a wonderful way to approach life!

Anonymous said...

You said Jazzercise....hehehehe!